Table 3 At CK's

Last Edited: 2006-09-22 14:27:31

Every once in a while I get a group of people at a table when I'm playing that make playing out that much more fun. These guys were great. I was playing at CK's in Chandler when I met these people. They were sitting at a table I dubbed table three. I drank a little with them and hung out during my set, it was a really good time. A couple of the girls bought some 'Freddy's Groupie' shirts to wear next time I'm at Ck's.

I'll be playing again at Ck's in November on a Sunday. Make sure you get there to check it out. It's a really cool place for me to play. Since I'm in promotion mode, if you are reading this, be sure to check out upcoming shows in Tucson at Frog N Firkin and Coach and Willies in October! Good times.
CK's Grill, Chandler
