Bulk Trash Please Keep Out

Last Edited: 2015-12-22 16:11:25

bulk trash freddythunder blog any coincidence?

When I saw this on the way to work the other day I was kind of shocked.  Who cares enough about their trash to put a sign that says keep out.  It's trash.  The end goal is to get rid of it.  Why should they care if someone takes it?  I see a couple good bike tires there.  But when it came to caption this image, I couldn't think of the best one:

"How will the garbage man take it away?"

"Why the smily face; is it a joke?  Am I not supposed to keep out?"

"What's so good about your trash that I can't have any?"

"What's so dangerous about your trash that I can't have any?"

"Is the sign trash?  If I take the sign, that's technically keeping out, but then others may keep in."
