Finally Everything My Kid Needs For A Better Education, A Betta Butt

Last Edited: 2017-05-23 21:40:55

Seriously, Ross? I went to Ross the other day to sit on the husband chair while my wife shops. Sometimes, I get up and wonder around like a lost old man. Before the manager asks me if I know where I am, I usually get to see some strange stuff. It was early August and school was starting for the step kids. I saw these racks of jeans under a huge banner that read "BACK TO SCHOOL!" and pretty much everything there was about the kids showing off their butts.

What the hell? I'm only a step dad and even I try, and have a very hard time, keeping drugs and babies outside of these teen girls' bodies. This doesn't help, Ross. It's bad enough that we live in white-bread suburbia and both teen girls are trying to be as thug as possible - so good - give them something else to worry about. Their betta butt??

Marketing bastards!



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