Kick Ass Gluten Free Lemon Squares

Last Edited: 2013-06-04 22:27:24

Like other recipes I have, I tried a few here and there and the results were less than adequate.. I've found that a lot of people try to make gluten free recipes and they seem to try to hard. They add in or remove things that have nothing to do with gluten and just kind of ruin things. My wife cannot have soy gluten or corn so I have to be real careful of what I make for her. Sometimes recipes do not make it up here because I never found a good one (and fought through a lot of desserts that were not very good).

Here's what you need for the crust part:

  • 1 cup butter

  • 1/2 cup sugar

  • 2 cups gluten free flour (see my post on that if you have questions. Oatmeal flour is the best!)

Here's what you need for the filling part:

  • 4 eggies

  • 1 1/2 cup sugar

  • 1/4 cup gluten free flour (still use oatmeal here too)

  • 2 lemons juiced (but I went to the store and got a bottle of lemon juice and used about 1/2 cup)

Mix the flour and sugar together so that it is evenly distributed and then cream it together with the butter. You will have a thicker dough. I was stumped at this point because I was not expecting that but it winds up being the second best part. That doesn't make sense. So, when it's mixed, put it in a 13x9 cake dish or another square dish of your liking. I had to push it down with my (washed) hands to get it to spread out evenly. Then pop that puppy in the oven about 325 degrees for say 12 minutes. It will harden and brown a touch - that's your dough...

On a side note, I was thinking that you do not have to fill this puppy with lemon, you can use any kind of pie filling, make another layer of the crust on top, bake it for another 12 or so and have a large gluten free cobbler.... Maybe I'm hungry.

Okay, Lemon squares... Mix the 4 eggs, sugar and lemon juice together so it is mixed well. Then add the 1/4 cup flour to thicken it up a touch. Pour it on top of the crust you created and pop that back in the oven. I think I baked mine for an addtional 10 minutes or so. You can do the clean fork/knife/toothpic test to see when it is done. If you don't know what that is then I question why you are baking???

The first time I made these, I noticed that the top baked kind of solid and it didn't look much like traditional lemon squares. I think that may have to do with the gluten free flour, but I still just sprinkled powdered sugar on the top and ate them just like I would traditional lemon squares. I never complained nor heard any complaints. Not even from the gluten eaters.
