Schools Don't Think About Kid's Future

Last Edited: 2013-08-28 20:59:58

Do what you want... Or don't do anything. That's your right. What the crap?

I saw this hanging up in my step daughter's 5th grade classroom at the big inning of the year. I don't remember a fraction of my childhood that allowed me to make my own decisions. And thank God! Now that I'm older I know that a good percentage of my choices would have put my adolescent self in grave danger. How do I know you ask? Because in my teen years, I had a little more freedom and made some decisions that put myself in grave danger. I didn't know better. I claim to know a little more now.

I know there's no manual for raising children but where has the common sense go? I remember when one of the kids came home and didn't want to clean up the house and exclaimed "that's my right!"

Now I know where that and from. Thanks GPS... Expect mediocrity. I was bullied and beaten like a red headed step child (literally) and learned respect, herd work, and how to be a strong independent person. Unfortunately these kids might grow up bored and entitled and wonder why they didn't learn proper social interaction in school.

Anyways, be advised you may want to show your kids there is a hierarchy between grow ups and children. If they grow up with this as part if their attitude repartee, they might find they really only have the right to remain silent. Maybe a fair trial.